Blaise Lanzetta

Hey everyone, my name is Blaise Lanzetta.  I have been drawn to acting my whole life but started out as a musician and my focus was mainly there.  Still, the drive was always inside.

So, in 2013 I decided to give acting a shot.  I took classes including an intensive at HB Studios in Manhattan.  Started working the odd gig here or there and wanted to learn more about how everything comes together.  From then on, I’ve been hooked and am always trying to add new credits or talents to my skillset.

Wanting further creative input, I helped co-found “BeardsUp” productions in 2017. Since then, I have written, produced, and acted in the projects we shot.  Our work ranges from narrative, to documentary, and commercial projects as well as musical videos.

What I have below is my acting and scoring reels.  Since I am a musician, I do usually help compose the scores in any project I’m involved with.



Beards Up started out as a group of long time friends making films and has rapidly expanded to include other talented collaborators who have become as close as family. Together, we look to tell stories that inspire and push us creatively.


Do you have an idea or an image that you want brought to life?  Have you always wanted to have your own cartoon character, but never knew how?  We specialize in making things, then making them move, talk, dance, and sing.  Whether you’re an author with an idea, a brand with a logo, a website with fresh content, a store with a promotion, or a business with a need to connect…  we can help!
